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Lovas, F. J., Kawashima, Y., Grabow, J. U., Suenram, R. D., Fraser, G. T., & Hirota, E. (1995). Microwave spectra, hyperfine structure, and electric dipole moments for conformers i and ii of glycine. Astrophysical Journal, 455(2), L201-L204.
Lovas, F. J., Pereyra, W., Suenram, R. D., Fraser, G. T., Grabow, J. U., & Hight Walker, A. R. (1995). Using Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy to detect pollutants. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (S. 58-69). (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Band 2365). Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
LOVAS, FJ., PEREYRA, W., SUENRAM, RD., FRASER, GT., GRABOW, JU., & WALKER, ARH. (1995). Using Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy to detect hazardous air pollutants. Optical Sensing for Environmental and Process Monitoring, Proceedings Of.
Mertens, F., Gottschalk, N., Bär, M., Eiswirth, M., Mikhailov, A., & Imbihl, R. (1995). Traveling-wave fragments in anisotropic excitable media. Physical Review E, 51(6), R5193-R5196.
Puin, W., & Heitjans, P. (1995). Frequency dependent ionic conductivity in nanocrystalline CaF2 studied by impedance spectroscopy. Nanostructured Materials, 6(5-8), 885-888.
Schäfer, R., Woenckhaus, J., Becker, J. A., & Hensel, F. (1995). Polarizabilities of Isolated Silicon Clusters. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences.
Schirmei, A., & Heitjans, P. (1995). Diffusive Motion in Stage-1 and Stage-2 Li-Graphite Intercalation Compounds: Results of β-NMR and Quasielastic Neutron Scattering. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences, 50(7), 643-652.
Schlecht, S., Schäfer, R., Woenckhaus, J., & Becker, J. A. (1995). Electric dipole polarizabilities of isolated gallium arsenide clusters. Chemical physics letters.
Scholz, S. M., Mertens, F., Jacobi, K., Imbihl, R., & Richter, W. (1995). Reflectance anisotropy on a metal surface: rhodium (110). Surface science, 340(1-2), L945-L948.


Becker, J. A. (1994). A model for thermal spin relaxation in rotating ferromagnetic clusters. Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters.