Publications of the groups
Complete list of publications
Showing results 111 - 120 out of 1492
Müller, D., Wen, D., Eychmüller, A., & Bigall, N. C. (2023). Metal Nanoparticle Aerogels. In Springer Handbooks (pp. 1061-1087). (Springer Handbooks). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Nair, R. R., Kißling, P. A., Marchanka, A., Lecinski, J., Turcios, A. E., Shamsuyeva, M., Rajendiran, N., Ganesan, S., Srinivasan, S. V., Papenbrock, J., & Weichgrebe, D. (2023). Biochar synthesis from mineral and ash-rich waste biomass, part 2: characterization of biochar and co-pyrolysis mechanism for carbon sequestration. Sustainable Environment Research, 33(1), Article 14.
Nair, R. R., Schaate, A., Klepzig, L. F., Turcios, A. E., Lecinski, J., Shamsuyeva, M., Endres, H. J., Papenbrock, J., Behrens, P., & Weichgrebe, D. (2023). Physico-chemical characterization of walnut shell biochar from uncontrolled pyrolysis in a garden oven and surface modification by ex-situ chemical magnetization. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 25(8), 2727-2746.
Nair, R. R., Kißling, P. A., Schaate, A., Marchanka, A., Shamsuyeva, M., Behrens, P., & Weichgrebe, D. (2023). The influence of sample mass (scaling effect) on the synthesis and structure of non-graphitizing carbon (biochar) during the analytical pyrolysis of biomass. RSC Advances, 13(20), 13526-13539.
Nguyen, T. M. N., Begum, A., Zhang, J., Leira, P., Todarwal, Y., Linares, M., Norman, P., Derbyshire, D., von Castelmur, E., Lindgren, M., Hammarström, P., & König, C. (2023). Binding of a Pyrene-based Fluorescent Amyloid Ligand to Transthyretin: A Combined Crystallographic and Molecular Dynamics Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part B: Biophysics, Biomaterials, Liquids, Soft Matter, 127(30), 6628–6635.
Nguyen, T. M. N. (2023). Understanding fluorescent amyloid biomarkers by computational chemistry. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Niebur, A., Söll, A., Haizmann, P., Strolka, O., Rudolph, D., Tran, K., Renz, F., Frauendorf, A. P., Hübner, J., Peisert, H., Scheele, M., & Lauth, J. (2023). Untangling the intertwined: metallic to semiconducting phase transition of colloidal MoS2 nanoplatelets and nanosheets. NANOSCALE, 15(12), 2.
Niemeyer, M. (2023). Wärmeeintrag und Temperaturprofile an der Oberfläche und in der Umgebung von plasmonischen durch Nanosekunden-Laserpulse geheizten Nanopartikeln und Nanoheteropartikeln. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Pluta, D., Kuper, H., Graf, R. T., Wesemann, C., Rusch, P., Becker, J. A., & Bigall, N. C. (2023). Optical properties of NIR photoluminescent PbS nanocrystal-based three-dimensional networks. Nanoscale Advances, 5(18), 5005-5014.
Rashid, A., Lim, H., Plaz, D., Escobar Cano, G., Bresser, M., Wiegers, K. S., Confalonieri, G., Baek, S., Chen, G., Feldhoff, A., Schulz, A., Weidenkaff, A., & Widenmeyer, M. (2023). Hydrogen-Tolerant La0.6Ca0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3–d Oxygen Transport Membranes from Ultrasonic Spray Synthesis for Plasma-Assisted CO2 Conversion. Membranes, 13(11), Article 875.