Publications of the Dorfs Group

Showing results 11 - 20 out of 79


Niemeyer, M., Bessel, P. M., Rusch, P., Himstedt, R., Kranz, D., Borg, H. M. A. M., Bigall, N.-C., & Dorfs, D. (2022). Nanosecond Pulsed Laser‐Heated Nanocrystals Inside a Metal‐Organic Framework Matrix. CHEMNANOMAT, 8(6), Article e202200169.
Rusch, P., Lübkemann-Warwas, F., Borg, H. M. A. M., Eckert, J. G., Dorfs, D., & Bigall, N.-C. (2022). Influencing the coupling between network building blocks in CdSe/CdS dot/rod aerogels by partial cation exchange. Journal of Chemical Physics, 156(23), Article 234701.
Rusch, P., Pluta, D., Lübkemann, F., Dorfs, D., Zámbó, D., & Bigall, N. C. (2022). Temperature and Composition Dependent Optical Properties of CdSe/CdS Dot/Rod‐Based Aerogel Networks. CHEMPHYSCHEM, 23(2), Article e202100755.


Himstedt, R., Baabe, D., Wesemann, C., Bessel, P., Hinrichs, D., Schlosser, A., Bigall, N. C., & Dorfs, D. (2021). Temperature-Sensitive Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of α-NiS Nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(48), 26635-26644.
Jooken, S., De Coene, Y., Deschaume, O., Zámbó, D., Aubert, T., Hens, Z., Dorfs, D., Verbiest, T., Clays, K., Callewaert, G., & Bartic, C. (2021). Enhanced electric field sensitivity of quantum dot/rod two-photon fluorescence and its relevance for cell transmembrane voltage imaging. Nanophotonics, 10(9), 2407-2420.
Müller, D., Zámbó, D., Dorfs, D., & Bigall, N. C. (2021). Cryoaerogels and Cryohydrogels as Efficient Electrocatalysts. SMALL, 17(18), Article 2007908.
Müller, D., Klepzig, L. F., Schlosser, A., Dorfs, D., & Bigall, N. C. (2021). Structural Diversity in Cryoaerogel Synthesis. LANGMUIR, 37(17), 5109-5117.
Rosebrock, M., Zámbó, D., Rusch, P., Pluta, D., Steinbach, F., Bessel, P., Schlosser, A., Feldhoff, A., Hindricks, K. D. J., Behrens, P., Dorfs, D., & Bigall, N. C. (2021). Spatial Extent of Fluorescence Quenching in Mixed Semiconductor-Metal Nanoparticle Gel Networks. Advanced functional materials, 31(41), Article 2101628.


Lübkemann, F., Rusch, P., Getschmann, S., Schremmer, B., Schäfer, M., Schulz, M., Hoppe, B., Behrens, P., Bigall, N. C., & Dorfs, D. (2020). Reversible cation exchange on macroscopic CdSe/CdS and CdS nanorod based gel networks. NANOSCALE, 12(8), 5038-5047.
Miethe, J. F., Luebkemann, F., Schlosser, A., Dorfs, D., & Bigall, N. C. (2020). Revealing the correlation of the electrochemical properties and the hydration of inkjet printed CdSe/CdS semiconductor gels. Langmuir, 36(17), 4757-4765.