Showing results 161 - 170 out of 198
McCarthy, M. C., Grabow, J. U., Travers, M. J., Chen, W., Gottlieb, C. A., & Thaddeus, P. (1999). Laboratory detection of the ring-chain carbenes HC4N and HC6N. Astrophysical Journal, 513(1 PART 1), 305-310.
Suenram, R. D., Grabow, J. U., Zuban, A., & Leonov, I. (1999). A portable, pulsed-molecular-beam, Fourier-transform microwave spectrometer designed for chemical analysis. Review of scientific instruments, 70(4), 2127-2135.
Botschwina, P., Heyl, Ä., Chen, W., McCarthy, M. C., Grabow, J. U., Travers, M. J., & Thaddeus, P. (1998). The isocyanopolyynes HC4NC and HC6NC: Microwave spectra and ab initio calculations. Journal of Chemical Physics, 109(8), 3108-3115.
Dreizler, H., Andresen, U., Grabow, J. U., & Sutter, D. H. (1998). On the measurement of rotational spectra of monodeuterated asymmetric top molecules in natural abundance demonstrated for monofluorobenzene. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences, 53(10-11), 887-890.
Gottlieb, C. A., McCarthy, M. C., Travers, M. J., Grabow, J. U., & Thaddeus, P. (1998). Rotational spectra of the carbon chain free radicals C10H, C12H, C13H, and C14H. Journal of Chemical Physics, 109(13), 5433-5438.
Kirchner, B., Huber, H., Steinebrunner, G., Dreizler, H., Grabow, JU., & Merke, I. (1997). ab initio calculation of S-33 quadrupole coupling constants. Reanalysis of the S-33 hyperfine structure in the rotational spectrum of thiirane. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A: A Journal of Physical Sciences.
Kirchner, B., Huber, H., Steinebrunner, G., Dreizler, H., Grabow, J. U., & Merke, I. (1997). Ab initio calculation of 33S quadrupole coupling constants. Reanalysis of the 33S hyperfine structure in the rotational spectrum of Thiirane. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences, 52(4), 297-305.
Leung, H. O., Gangwani, D., & Grabow, J. U. (1997). Nuclear Quadrupole Hyperfine Structure in the Microwave Spectrum of Ar-N2O. Journal of molecular spectroscopy, 184(1), 106-112.
Xu, L. H., Andrews, A. M., Cavanagh, R. R., Fraser, G. T., Irikura, K. K., Lovas, F. J., Grabow, J. U., Stahl, W., Crawford, M. K., & Smalley, R. J. (1997). Rotational and vibrational spectroscopy and ideal gas heat capacity of HFC 134a (CF3CFH2). Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 101(12), 2288-2297.
Alonso, J. L., Lesarri, A., Mata, S., López, J. C., Grabow, J. U., & Dreizler, H. (1996). Fourier transform microwave study on 2-methyloxetane and 3-methyloxetane. Chemical physics, 208(3), 391-401.