Showing results 51 - 60 out of 230
Liu, Y., Ma, S., Liu, L., Koch, J., Rosebrock, M., Li, T., Bettels, F., He, T., Pfnür, H., Bigall, N. C., Feldhoff, A., Ding, F., & Zhang, L. (2020). Nitrogen Doping Improves the Immobilization and Catalytic Effects of Co9S8 in Li-S Batteries. Advanced functional materials, 30(32), Article 2002462.
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Wang, Y., Jin, H., Ma, Q., Mo, K., Mao, H., Feldhoff, A., Cao, X., Li, Y., Pan, F., & Jiang, Z. (2020). A MOF Glass Membrane for Gas Separation. Angewandte Chemie , 59(11), 4365-4369.
Widenmeyer, M., Wiegers, K. S., Chen, G., Yoon, S., Feldhoff, A., & Weidenkaff, A. (2020). Engineering of oxygen pathways for better oxygen permeability in Cr-substituted Ba2In2O5 membranes. Journal of membrane science, 595, Article 117558.
Wolf, M., Abt, M., Hoffmann, G., Overmeyer, L., & Feldhoff, A. (2020). Ceramic-based thermoelectric generator processed via spray-coating and laser structuring. Open Ceramics, 1, Article 100002.
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Xu, X., Kumar Megarajan, S., Xia, X., Toghan, A., Feldhoff, A., Zhang, Y., & Jiang, H. (2020). Effect of reduction temperature on the structure and catalytic performance of mesoporous Ni-Fe-Al2O3in oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. New Journal of Chemistry, 44(44), 18994-19001.
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Bittner, M., Kanas, N., Hinterding, R., Steinbach, F., Räthel, J., Schrade, M., Wiik, K., Einarsrud, M. A., & Feldhoff, A. (2019). A comprehensive study on improved power materials for high-temperature thermoelectric generators. Journal of Power Sources, 410-411, 143-151.
Bittner, M., Kanas, N., Hinterding, R., Steinbach, F., Groeneveld, D., Wemhoff, P., Wiik, K., Einarsrud, M. A., & Feldhoff, A. (2019). Triple-phase ceramic 2D nanocomposite with enhanced thermoelectric properties. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39(4), 1237-1244.