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Wilkening, M., & Heitjans, P. (2005). Ultraslow diffusion in polycrystalllne h-LITIS2 studied by 7Li spln-alignment echo NMR spectroscopy. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 237-240(PART 2), 1182-1187. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/ddf.237-240.1182
Bredow, T., Heitjans, P., & Wilkening, M. (2004). Electric field gradient calculations for LixTiS2 and comparison with 7Li NMR results. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 70(11), 115111-1-115111-11. Artikel 115111. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.70.115111
Fischer, D. M., Duwe, P., Indris, S., & Heitjans, P. (2004). Tracer diffusion measurements in solid lithium: A test case for the comparison between NMR in static and pulsed magnetic field gradients after upgrading a standard solid state NMR spectrometer. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 26(2), 74-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssnmr.2004.02.002
Heitjans, P., & Indris, S. (2004). Fast diffusion in nanocrystalline ceramics prepared by ball milling. Journal of materials science, 39(16-17), 5091-5096. https://doi.org/10.1023/B:JMSC.0000039189.17243.72
Ulrich, M., Bunde, A., Indris, S., & Heitjans, P. (2004). Li ion transport and interface percolation in nano- and microcrystalline composites. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 6(13), 3680-3683. https://doi.org/10.1039/b401895h
Heitjans, P., & Indris, S. (2003). Diffusion and ionic conduction in nanocrystalline ceramics. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 15(30), R1257-R1289. https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/15/30/202
Finger, M., Haeger, A., Hesse, D., Indris, S., Amade, R., & Heitjans, P. (2003). Einfluss von Kugelmahlen auf die Quantenausbeute photokatalysierter Gasphasenreaktionen. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 75(8), 1043. https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.200390213
Wilkening, M., Indris, S., & Heitjans, P. (2003). Heterogeneous lithium diffusion in nanocrystalline Li2O:Al2O3 composites. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 5(11), 2225-2231. https://doi.org/10.1039/b300908d
Indris, S., & Heitjans, P. (2002). Heterogeneous 7Li NMR relaxation in nanocrystalline Li2O:B2O3 composites. Journal of non-crystalline solids, 307-310, 555-564. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-3093(02)01486-2
Behrens, H., Kappes, R., & Heitjans, P. (2002). Proton conduction in glass - An impedance and infrared spectroscopic study on hydrous BaSi2O5 glass. Journal of non-crystalline solids, 306(3), 271-281. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-3093(02)01190-0