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Jiang, H., Wang, H., Liang, F., Werth, S., Schiestel, T., & Caro, J. (2009). Direct decomposition of nitrous oxide to nitrogen by in situ oxygen removal with a perovskite membrane. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 48(16), 2983-2986.
Jiang, H., Xing, L., Czuprat, O., Wang, H., Schirrnieister, S., Schiestel, T., & Caro, J. (2009). Highly effective NO decomposition by in situ removal of inhibitor oxygen using an oxygen transporting membrane. Chemical communications, (44), 6738-6740.
Kärger, J., Caro, J., Cool, P., Coppens, M. O., Jones, D., Kapteijn, F., Rodríguez-Reinoso, F., Stöcker, M., Theodorou, D., Vansant, E. F., & Weitkamp, J. (2009). Benefit of microscopic diffusion measurement for the characterization of nanoporous materials. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 32(10), 1494-1511.
Kondratenko, E. V., Wang, H., Kondratenko, V. A., & Caro, J. (2009). Selective oxidation of CH4 and C2H6 over a mixed oxygen ion and electron conducting perovskite - A TAP and membrane reactors study. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 297(2), 142-149.
Kuhn, A., Tobschall, E., & Heitjans, P. (2009). Li Ion diffusion in nanocrystalline and nanoglassy LiAISi2O 6 and LiBO2 - Structuredynamics relations in two glass forming compounds. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, 223(10-11), 1359-1377.
Kuhn, A., Wilkening, M., & Heitjans, P. (2009). Mechanically induced decrease of the Li conductivity in an alumosilicate glass. SOLID STATE IONICS, 180(4-5), 302-307.
Lesarri, A., Grabow, J. U., & Caminati, W. (2009). Conformation of chiral molecules: The rotational spectrum of 2-chloropropionic acid. Chemical physics letters, 468(1-3), 18-22.
Luo, H. X., Yu, L. H., Chen, X. Z., Wang, H. H., & Caro, J. (2009). Novel Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe0.8Zn0.2O3-δ membranes for POM. Chinese chemical letters, 20(2), 250-252.
Lupton, E. M., Achenbach, F., Weis, J., Bräuchle, C., & Frank, I. (2009). Origins of material failure in siloxane elastomers from first principles. ChemPhysChem, 10(1), 119-123.
Lupton, E. M., & Frank, I. (2009). Probing the mechanical strength of chemical bonds by stretching single molecules. In High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching/Munich 2007 - Transactions of the 3rd Joint HLRB and KONWIHR Status and Result Workshop (S. 165-172). (High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching/Munich 2007 - Transactions of the 3rd Joint HLRB and KONWIHR Status and Result Workshop). Kluwer Academic Publishers.