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Gray-Weale, Nastar, Stolwijk, Zhukovskii, Maier, Islam, Heitjans, Haile, Nakamura, De Souza, S., Savini, Stolwijk, Yashima, Ruiz-Trejo, Vannier, Aranda, Andreev, Wilson, Ishihara, ... Bruce (2007). General discussion. Faraday discussions, 134, 399-414.
Haile, De Souza, S., Kilner, Maier, Zhukovskii, Björketun, Islam, Beck, Kohanoff, Lord, Ishihara, Navrotsky, Yashima, Sokol, Martin, Wilson, Heitjans, Bruce, Gray-Weale, ... Chadwick (2007). General discussion. Faraday discussions, 134, 315-329.
Heitjans, P., Masoud, M., Feldhoff, A., & Wilkening, M. (2007). NMR and impedance studies of nanocrystalline and amorphous ion conductors: Lithium niobate as a model system. Faraday discussions, 134, 67-82.
Imbihl, R., Behm, R. J., & Schlögl, R. (2007). Bridging the pressure and material gap in heterogeneous catalysis. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 9(27), 3459.
Imbihl, R., Scheibe, A., Zeng, Y. F., Günther, S., Kraehnert, R., Kondratenko, V. A., Baerns, M., Offermans, W. K., Jansen, A. P. J., & Van Santen, R. A. (2007). Catalytic ammonia oxidation on platinum: Mechanism and catalyst restructuring at high and low pressure. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 9(27), 3522-3540.
Indris, S., Heitjans, P., Hattendorf, J., Zeitz, W. D., & Bredow, T. (2007). Local electronic structure in Mg B2 from B12 β -NMR. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 75(2), Artikel 024502.
Irurzun, I. M., Mola, E. E., & Imbihl, R. (2007). Front waves in the NO + NH3 reaction on Pt{100}. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 111(17), 3313-3320.
Islam, M. M., Bredow, T., Indris, S., & Heitjans, P. (2007). Enhanced conductivity at the interface of Li2O:B2O3 nanocomposites: Atomistic models. Physical review letters, 99(14), Artikel 145502.
Islam, Nazar, Maier, Heitjans, Navrotsky, Dieckmann, Irvine, Bruce, Gray-Weale, Chadwick, Stolwijk, Martin, Yashima, Andreev, O'Dell, Stolwijk, Forsyth, Kilner, Ishihara, ... Sokol (2007). General discussion. Faraday discussions, 134, 215-233.
Khokhlov, A., Valiullin, R., Kärger, J., Steinbach, F., & Feldhoff, A. (2007). Freezing and melting transitions of liquids in mesopores with ink-bottle geometry. New Journal of Physics, 9, Artikel 272.