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Zeige Ergebnisse 181 - 190 von 1492
Rieck genannt Best, F., Mundstock, A., Richter, H., Kißling, P. A., Hindricks, K. D. J., Huang, A., Behrens, P., & Caro, J. (2022). Controlled methylamine synthesis in a membrane reactor featuring a highly steam selective K+-LTA membrane. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 337, Artikel 111920.
Rieck genannt Best, F. (2022). Development of Porous Material Dual-Functional Reactors for the Facile Synthesis of Sustainable Chemicals. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Rohloff, E., Rudolph, D. A., Strolka, O., & Frank, I. (2022). Classical nuclear motion: Does it fail to explain reactions and spectra in certain cases? International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 122(12), Artikel e26902.
Rusch, P., Lübkemann-Warwas, F., Borg, H. M. A. M., Eckert, J. G., Dorfs, D., & Bigall, N.-C. (2022). Influencing the coupling between network building blocks in CdSe/CdS dot/rod aerogels by partial cation exchange. Journal of Chemical Physics, 156(23), Artikel 234701.
Rusch, P., Pluta, D., Lübkemann, F., Dorfs, D., Zámbó, D., & Bigall, N. C. (2022). Temperature and Composition Dependent Optical Properties of CdSe/CdS Dot/Rod‐Based Aerogel Networks. CHEMPHYSCHEM, 23(2), Artikel e202100755.
Schlenkrich, J., Zámbó, D., Schlosser, A., Rusch, P., & Bigall, N. C. (2022). Revealing the Effect of Nanoscopic Design on the Charge Carrier Separation Processes in Semiconductor‐Metal Nanoparticle Gel Networks. Advanced optical materials, 10(1), Artikel 2101712.
Schlosser, A., Schlenkrich, J. C., Zambo, D., Rosebrock, M., Graf, R. T., Escobar Cano, G. E., & Bigall, N.-C. (2022). Interparticle Interaction Matters: Charge Carrier Dynamics in Hybrid Semiconductor–Metal Cryoaerogels. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9(12), Artikel 2200055.
Scholtz, L., Eckert, J. G., Elahi, T., Lübkemann-Warwas, F., Hübner, O., Bigall, N.-C., & Resch-Genger, U. (2022). Luminescence encoding of polymer microbeads with organic dyes and semiconductor quantum dots during polymerization. Scientific Reports, 12(1), Artikel 12061.
Schwarzmüller, S., Souchay, D., Wagner, G., Kemmesies, P., Günther, D., Bittner, M., Zhang, G., Ren, Z., Feldhoff, A., Snyder, G. J., & Oeckler, O. (2022). Endotaxial Intergrowth of Copper Telluride in GeTe-Rich Germanium Antimony Tellurides Leads to High Thermoelectric Performance. Chemistry of materials, 34(22), 10025–10039.
Stöbener, D. D., & Weinhart, M. (2022). “Fuzzy hair” promotes cell sheet detachment from thermoresponsive brushes already above their volume phase transition temperature. Biomaterials Advances, 141, Artikel 213101.