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Bunde, A., Caro, J., Chmelik, C., Kärger, J., & Vogl, G. (2023). Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society. (2 Aufl.) Springer International Publishing AG.
Bunde, A., Caro, J., Chmelik, C., Kärger, J., & Vogl, G. (2023). Preface to the First Edition. In A. Bunde, J. Caro, C. Chmelik, J. Kräger, & G. Vogl (Hrsg.), Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society (2 Aufl.). Springer International Publishing AG.
Bunde, A., Caro, J., Chmelik, C., Kärger, J., & Vogl, G. (2023). Preface to the Second Edition. In Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society, Second Edition (S. x). Springer International Publishing AG.
Bunde, A., Caro, J., Kärger, J., & Vogl, G. (2023). What the Book Is Dealing With. In A. Bunde, J. Caro, C. Chmelik, J. Kärger, & G. Vogl (Hrsg.), Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society (S. 3-9). Springer International Publishing AG.
Cai, Y., Peng, W., Song, Q., Pluta, D., Peppersack, C., Breitung-Faes, S., Kwade, A., Bigall, N. C., & Vana, P. (2023). Nanoengineering of Egyptian Blue Nanosheets: Advantages and Limitations for Near-Infrared Photoluminescence Applications. ACS Applied Optical Materials, 1(1), 465–472.
Caro, J., & Gläser, R. (2023). Diffusion is everywhere: Jörg Kärger zum Geburtstag. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 95(11), 1681.
Caro, J. (2023). Jörg Kärger: Diffusion Is His Life. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 95(11), 1707-1712.
Chmelik, C., Caro, J., Freude, D., Haase, J., Valiullin, R., & Kärger, J. (2023). Diffusive Spreading of Molecules in Nanoporous Materials. In A. Bunde, J. Caro, J. Kärger, C. Chmelik, & G. Vogl (Hrsg.), Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society (2 Aufl., S. 179-214). Springer International Publishing AG.
Ding, L., Wei, Y., Li, L., Zhang, T., Wang, H., Xue, J., Ding, L. X., Wang, S., Caro, J., & Gogotsia, Y. (2023). MXene molecular sieving membranes for highly efficient gas separation. In Y. Gogotsi (Hrsg.), MXenes: From Discovery to Applications of Two-Dimensional Metal Carbides and Nitrides (S. 853-873). Jenny Stanford Publishing.
Elomaa, L., Gerbeth, L., Almalla, A., Fribiczer, N., Tang, P., Hillebrandt, K., Sauer, I. M., Seiffert, S., Siegmund, B., & Weinhart, M. (2023). Bioactive photocrosslinkable resin solely based on refined decellularized small intestinal submucosa for digital light processing 3D printing of in vitro tissue mimics. Additive Manufacturing, 64, Artikel 103439.,