Publications of the Bigall group

Showing results 31 - 40 out of 142


Kißling, P. A., Lübkemann, F., Mundstock, A., Lohaus, L., Haist, M., Caro, J., & Bigall, N. C. (2022). Is freeze-drying an alternative to solvent exchange for the hydration stop of cementitious suspensions? Cement and concrete research, 159, Article 106841.
Kranz, D., Bessel, P., Niemeyer, M., Borg, H., Rosebrock, M., Himstedt, R., Bigall, N. C., & Dorfs, D. (2022). Size-Dependent Threshold of the Laser-Induced Phase Transition of Colloidally Dispersed Copper Oxide Nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(36), 15263–15273.
Li, F., Klepzig, L. F., Keppler, N., Behrens, P., Bigall, N. C., Menzel, H., & Lauth, J. (2022). Layer-by-Layer Deposition of 2D CdSe/CdS Nanoplatelets and Polymers for Photoluminescent Composite Materials. LANGMUIR, 38(37), 11149-11159.,
Liu, Y., Ma, S., Rosebrock, M., Rusch, P., Barnscheidt, Y., Wu, C., Nan, P., Bettels, F., Lin, Z., Li, T., Ge, B., Bigall, N. C., Pfnür, H., Ding, F., Zhang, C., & Zhang, L. (2022). Tungsten Nanoparticles Accelerate Polysulfides Conversion: A Viable Route toward Stable Room-Temperature Sodium–Sulfur Batteries. Advanced science, 9(11), Article 2105544.
Mittal, M., Dana, J., Lübkemann, F., Ghosh, H. N., Bigall, N. C., & Sapra, S. (2022). Insight into morphology dependent charge carrier dynamics in ZnSe-CdS nanoheterostructures. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(14), 8519-8528.
Niemeyer, M., Bessel, P. M., Rusch, P., Himstedt, R., Kranz, D., Borg, H. M. A. M., Bigall, N.-C., & Dorfs, D. (2022). Nanosecond Pulsed Laser‐Heated Nanocrystals Inside a Metal‐Organic Framework Matrix. CHEMNANOMAT, 8(6), Article e202200169.
Rusch, P., Lübkemann-Warwas, F., Borg, H. M. A. M., Eckert, J. G., Dorfs, D., & Bigall, N.-C. (2022). Influencing the coupling between network building blocks in CdSe/CdS dot/rod aerogels by partial cation exchange. Journal of Chemical Physics, 156(23), Article 234701.
Rusch, P., Pluta, D., Lübkemann, F., Dorfs, D., Zámbó, D., & Bigall, N. C. (2022). Temperature and Composition Dependent Optical Properties of CdSe/CdS Dot/Rod‐Based Aerogel Networks. CHEMPHYSCHEM, 23(2), Article e202100755.
Schlenkrich, J., Zámbó, D., Schlosser, A., Rusch, P., & Bigall, N. C. (2022). Revealing the Effect of Nanoscopic Design on the Charge Carrier Separation Processes in Semiconductor‐Metal Nanoparticle Gel Networks. Advanced optical materials, 10(1), Article 2101712.
Schlosser, A., Schlenkrich, J. C., Zambo, D., Rosebrock, M., Graf, R. T., Escobar Cano, G. E., & Bigall, N.-C. (2022). Interparticle Interaction Matters: Charge Carrier Dynamics in Hybrid Semiconductor–Metal Cryoaerogels. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9(12), Article 2200055.