Publications of the Bigall group

Showing results 1 - 10 out of 143


Stein, L., Borg, H., Wesemann, C., Zhao, Z., Moß, C., Trinke, P., Ismael, M., Bensmann, B., Bigall, N. C., Dorfs, D., & Hanke-Rauschenbach, R. (2025). Platinum Cryoaerogel as a Low Loading Cathode Catalyst in PEM Water Electrolysis: An Initial Concept Evaluation. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 8(1), 194-207.


Abdelmonem, A. M., Lavrentieva, A., & Bigall, N. C. (2024). Fabrication of surface-functionalizable amphiphilic curcumin nanogels for biosensing and biomedical applications. Chemical papers, 78(1), 533-546.
Borg, H., Morales, I., Dorfs, D., & Bigall, N. C. (2024). Nanoparticle-Based Cryogels from Colloidal Aqueous Dispersion: Synthesis, Properties and Applications. CHEMNANOMAT, 10(4), Article e202300532.
Graf, R. T., Pluta, D., Hannebauer, A., Schlenkrich, J., & Bigall, N. C. (2024). Synthesis of Porous Connected Cryoaerogel Networks from Cadmium Chalcogenide Nanoplatelet Stacks. Small Structures, 5(7), Article 2300554.
Kißling, P. A., Mahlbacher, M., Wesemann, C., Mundstock, A., Lübkemann-Warwas, F., Klimke, S., Renz, F., Lohaus, L., Haist, M., & Bigall, N. C. (2024). Impact of Hard Magnetic Nanocrystals on the Properties of Hardened Cement Paste. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 96(3), 300-308.
Pluta, D., Graf, R. T., Dorfs, D., & Bigall, N. C. (2024). Energy transfer in near-infrared photoluminescent PbS/CdS quantum dot-based three-dimensional networks and films. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26(40), 25828-25836.
Sahu, B., Bansal, L., Ghosh, T., Kandpal, S., Rath, D. K., Rani, C., Wesemann, C., Bigall, N. C., & Kumar, R. (2024). Metal oxide-mixed polymer-based hybrid electrochromic supercapacitor: improved efficiency and dual band switching. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57(24), Article 245110.
Schlenkrich, J., Pluta, D., Graf, R. T., Wesemann, C., Lübkemann-Warwas, F., & Bigall, N. C. (2024). Semiconductor-Metal Hybrid Nanoparticle-Based Hydrogels: Efficient Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Advanced materials interfaces, 11(18), Article 2301076.
Scholtz, L., Eckert, J. G., Graf, R. T., Kunst, A., Wegner, K. D., Bigall, N. C., & Resch-Genger, U. (2024). Correlating semiconductor nanoparticle architecture and applicability for the controlled encoding of luminescent polymer microparticles. Scientific reports, 14, Article 11904.
Schoske, L., Lübkemann-Warwas, F., Morales, I., Wesemann, C., Eckert, J. G., Graf, R. T., & Bigall, N. C. (2024). Magnetic aerogels from FePt and CoPt3 directly from organic solution. NANOSCALE, 16(8), 4229-4238.