Showing results 91 - 100 out of 213
Rahn, J., Hüger, E., Dörrer, L., Ruprecht, B., Heitjans, P., & Schmidt, H. (2012). Li self-diffusion in lithium niobate single crystals at low temperatures. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14(7), 2427-2433.
Rahn, J., Hüger, E., Dörrer, L., Ruprecht, B., Heitjans, P., & Schmidt, H. (2012). Self-diffusion of lithium in amorphous lithium niobate layers. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 226(5-6), 439-448.
Ruprecht, B., Wilkening, M., Uecker, R., & Heitjans, P. (2012). Extremely slow Li ion dynamics in monoclinic Li 2TiO 3 - Probing macroscopic jump diffusion via 7Li NMR stimulated echoes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14(34), 11974-11980.
Ruprecht, B., Rahn, J., Schmidt, H., & Heitjans, P. (2012). Low-temperature DC conductivity of LiNbO3 single crystals. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 226(5-6), 431-437.
Šepelák, V., Myndyk, M., Fabián, M., Da Silva, K. L., Feldhoff, A., Menzel, D., Ghafari, M., Hahn, H., Heitjans, P., & Becker, K. D. (2012). Mechanosynthesis of nanocrystalline fayalite, Fe2SiO4. Chemical communications, 48(90), 11121-11123.
Šepelák, V., Becker, S. M., Bergmann, I., Indris, S., Scheuermann, M., Feldhoff, A., Kübel, C., Bruns, M., Stürzl, N., Ulrich, A. S., Ghafari, M., Hahn, H., Grey, C. P., Becker, K. D., & Heitjans, P. (2012). Nonequilibrium structure of Zn2SnO 4 spinel nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(7), 3117-3126.
Welsch, A. M., Behrens, H., Horn, I., Roß, S., & Heitjans, P. (2012). Self-diffusion of lithium in LiAlSi 2O 6 glasses studied using mass spectrometry. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 116(1), 309-318.
Wilkening, M., & Heitjans, P. (2012). From micro to macro: Access to long-range Li+ diffusion parameters in solids via microscopic 6, 7Li spin-alignment echo NMR spectroscopy. CHEMPHYSCHEM, 13(1), 53-65.
Zahn, D., Heitjans, P., & Maier, J. (2012). From composites to solid solutions: Modeling of ionic conductivity in the CaF 2-BaF 2 system. Chemistry - a European journal, 18(20), 6225-6229.
Buschmann, H., Dölle, J., Berendts, S., Kuhn, A., Bottke, P., Wilkening, M., Heitjans, P., Senyshyn, A., Ehrenberg, H., Lotnyk, A., Duppel, V., Kienle, L., & Janek, J. (2011). Structure and dynamics of the fast lithium ion conductor "li 7La3Zr2O12". Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(43), 19378-19392.,