Showing results 131 - 140 out of 213
Heitjans, P., Tobschall, E., & Wilkening, M. (2008). Ion transport and diffusion in nanocrystalline and glassy ceramics. European Physical Journal: Special Topics, 161(1), 97-108.
Ruprecht, B., Wilkening, M., Steuernagel, S., & Heitjans, P. (2008). Anion diffusivity in highly conductive nanocrystalline BaF 2:CaF2 composites prepared by high-energy ball milling. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18(44), 5412-5416.
Šepelák, V., Bergmann, I., Diekmann, A., Heitjans, P., & Becker, K. D. (2008). Mechanosynthesis of nanocrystalline iron germanate Fe2 GeO4 with a nonequilibrium cation distribution. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 18(4), 349-352.
Wilkening, M., Kuhn, A., & Heitjans, P. (2008). Atomic-scale measurement of ultraslow Li motions in glassy LiAlSi2 O6 by two-time L6 i spin-alignment echo NMR correlation spectroscopy. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 78(5), Article 054303.
Wilkening, M., Gebauer, D., & Heitjans, P. (2008). Diffusion parameters in single-crystalline Li(3)N as probed by (6)Li and (7)Li spin-alignment echo NMR spectroscopy in comparison with results from (8)Li beta-radiation detected NMR. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 20(2).
Wilkening, M., & Heitjans, P. (2008). Li jump process in h- Li0.7 Ti S2 studied by two-time Li7 spin-alignment echo NMR and comparison with results on two-dimensional diffusion from nuclear magnetic relaxation. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 77(2), Article 024311.
Wilkening, M., Epp, V., Feldhoff, A., & Heitjans, P. (2008). Tuning the Li diffusivity of poor ionic conductors by mechanical treatment: High Li conductivity of strongly defective LiTaO3 nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112(25), 9291-9300.
Wontcheu, J., Bensch, W., Wilkening, M., Heitjans, P., Indris, S., Sideris, P., Grey, C. P., Mankovsky, S., & Ebert, H. (2008). Tuning the structural and physical properties of Cr2Ti 3Se8 by lithium intercalation: A study of the magnetic properties, investigation of ion mobility with NMR spectroscopy and electronic band structure calculations. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(1), 288-299.
Gray-Weale, Nastar, Stolwijk, Zhukovskii, Maier, Islam, Heitjans, Haile, Nakamura, De Souza, S., Savini, Stolwijk, Yashima, Ruiz-Trejo, Vannier, Aranda, Andreev, Wilson, Ishihara, ... Bruce (2007). General discussion. Faraday discussions, 134, 399-414.
Haile, De Souza, S., Kilner, Maier, Zhukovskii, Björketun, Islam, Beck, Kohanoff, Lord, Ishihara, Navrotsky, Yashima, Sokol, Martin, Wilson, Heitjans, Bruce, Gray-Weale, ... Chadwick (2007). General discussion. Faraday discussions, 134, 315-329.