Publikationen der AG Dorfs

Zeige Ergebnisse 51 - 60 von 82


Sánchez-Paradinas, S., Dorfs, D., Friebe, S., Freytag, A., Wolf, A., & Bigall, N. C. (2015). Aerogels: Aerogels from CdSe/CdS Nanorods with Ultra-long Exciton Lifetimes and High Fluorescence Quantum Yields (Adv. Mater. 40/2015). Advanced Materials, 27(40), 6151.
Sánchez-Paradinas, S., Dorfs, D., Friebe, S., Freytag, A., Wolf, A., & Bigall, N. C. (2015). Aerogels from CdSe/CdS Nanorods with Ultra-long Exciton Lifetimes and High Fluorescence Quantum Yields. Advanced materials, 27(40), 6152-6156.
Wolf, A., Kodanek, T., & Dorfs, D. (2015). Tuning the LSPR in copper chalcogenide nanoparticles by cation intercalation, cation exchange and metal growth. NANOSCALE.


Adel, P., Wolf, A., Kodanek, T., & Dorfs, D. (2014). Segmented CdSe@CdS/ZnS nanorods synthesized via a partial ion exchange sequence. Chemistry of materials.


Yue, Z., Lisdat, F., Parak, W. J., Hickey, S. G., Tu, L., Sabir, N., Dorfs, D., & Bigall, N. C. (2013). Quantum-Dot-Based Photoelectrochemical Sensors for Chemical and Biological Detection. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 5(8), 2800-2814.


Bigall, N. C., Parak, W. J., & Dorfs, D. (2012). Fluorescent, magnetic and plasmonic—Hybrid multifunctional colloidal nano objects. NANO TODAY, 7(4), 282-296.
Dilena, E., Dorfs, D., George, C., Miszta, K., Povia, M., Genovese, A., Casu, A., Prato, M., & Manna, L. (2012). Colloidal Cu2-x(SySe1-y) alloy nanocrystals with controllable crystal phase: Synthesis, plasmonic properties, cation exchange and electrochemical lithiation. Journal of Materials Chemistry.
Otto, T., Mundra, P., Schelter, M., Frolova, E., Dorfs, D., Gaponik, N., & Eychmüller, A. (2012). Application prospects of spray-assisted layer-by-layer assembly of colloidal nanoparticles. CHEMPHYSCHEM.


Antognazza, M. R., Scotognella, F., Miszta, K., Dorfs, D., Zanella, M., Zavelani-Rossi, M., Manna, L., Lanzani, G., & Tassone, F. (2011). Steady-state photoinduced absorption of CdSe/CdS octapod shaped nanocrystals. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
Brescia, R., Miszta, K., Dorfs, D., Manna, L., & Bertoni, G. (2011). Birth and growth of octapod-shaped colloidal nanocrystals studied by electron tomography. Journal of Physical Chemistry C.